ArtMatic Voyager

  1. Artmatic Voyager
  2. Artmatic Voyager Ctx
  3. Artmatic Voyager 4.5
  4. Artmatic Voyager Update For 64 Bit
  5. Artmatic Voyager

Another companion program to ArtMatic is ArtMatic Voyager, a 3D landscape rendering and animation tool that taps into ArtMatic structures and makes them the basis for landscape generation. Among his various artistic and musical activities Eric Wenger co-composed and realized the Dante01 music of Marc Caro and often collaborate with the. ArtMatic is a uniquely powerful ArtTool that is both inspirational and a joy to use. It has infinite applications for image and audio creation. Create digital fine art, commercial graphics, animation, video effects & transitions, stunning geometries, motion graphics.

Apple's new operating system no longer supports applications built for their MacOS X 'Carbon' platform. Designer CTX is a new program created for Apple's 'Cocoa' platform. Programs for Apple's Cocoa are backwards compatible to MacOS 10.10.

Designed in ArtMatic Designer, rendered in ArtMatic Voyager. Voyager has a built in environment for controlling clouds, sun position, haze, sea level for landscapes creation. With the no-planet mode you can also render cosmic scenes, with multiple lights, you can have multiple suns.The Voyager camera can animate all environmental parameters with keyframes as well as the camera characteristics and position. ArtMatic systems can animate any ArtMatic objects through its components parameters. Combining both allows you to render incredible fly-throughs with animated objects. Be sure to check out the amazing videos created with both software applications.

Artmatic voyager free download

When the 'live link' is enabled in Designer, Designer communicates any changes of parameters to Voyager when both are launched. This allows you to edit complex models in Designer while watching a pop up preview rendered by Voyager. The Designer/Voyager hot-linking tutorial video explains the basics of this key feature.

The new Designer CTX includes all the features you came to love in the 'carbon' OS versions, and has multiple new features including:

  • 9 New Components and 135 New Functions
  • New Looper Component for Seamless Flow
  • Built in Browser with Preview
  • Launch Online Component Definitions from Tree Icons
  • Full Support for Apple ProRess 4444 Codec
  • Full Support for 16bits Per Pixel Images
  • New User Interface and Custom Themes
  • Multiple Levels of Undo, and More..

Artmatic Voyager

Designer CTX - Click here to learn more.

Voyager CTX - Click here to learn more.

Designed in ArtMatic Designer, rendered in ArtMatic Voyager. Voyager has a built in environment for controlling clouds, sun position, haze, sea level for landscapes creation. With the no-planet mode you can also render cosmic scenes, with multiple lights, you can have multiple suns.The Voyager camera can animate all environmental parameters with keyframes as well as the camera characteristics and position. ArtMatic systems can animate any ArtMatic objects through its components parameters. Combining both allows you to render incredible fly-throughs with animated objects. Be sure to check out the amazing videos created with both software applications.

When the 'live link' is enabled in Designer, Designer communicates any changes of parameters to Voyager when both are launched. This allows you to edit complex models in Designer while watching a pop up preview rendered by Voyager. The Designer/Voyager hot-linking tutorial video explains the basics of this key feature.

Designer 7.5 - Click here to learn more.

Voyager 4.5 - Click here to learn more.

Artmatic Voyager Ctx

Now included in th 7.5 suite V-Quartz is the missing link is here. Originally only available internally at U&I, a version of V-Quartz is now available for ArtMatic Designer+Voyager and MetaSynth+Xx users. It ties together our visual and audio applications into one editor - a powerful video and image synthezier and renderer. You can use V-Quartz to create stills, animations, music videos, motion graphics, and video art.

Video Examples Using ArtMatic and MetaSynth Elements


- Two Production Rooms: Video or Image
- ArtMatic Designer PreRendering Not Required
- MetaSynth Integration for Music Video Creation

- Import ArtMatic Designer files to sequence ArtMatic Animations
- No PreRendering in Designer Required (7.5 required for editing)
- Combine ArtMatic, Quartz Composer & OpenGL filters
- Resulting in a limitless open environment for creation

- Synchronize MetaSynth with V-Quartz for making music videos
- Use 'Measure:Beats:milliseconds' and BPM tempo to edit visuals

- Edit & Composite with Quartz, Quicktime and OpenGL
- Use Quartz vector graphics for motion graphics & graphic design
- Hundreds of filters, effects, & Composer visuals including DFRM fractals
- Rendering & sequencing of Quartz Composer patches

- Infinite Number of virtual tracks & nested groups
- Advanced compositing with all major blend modes & alpha channel logic
- Import ArtMatic files, Quicktime, & Images (all major graphic formats)
- Export Video, Quicktime, image, or a list of images
- Familiar U&I Interface

Click here to watch V-Quartz - A Quick Presentation Video

At a Glance

Expert’s Rating


  • Glorious results
  • Intuitive interface
  • Creates movies and stills


Artmatic Voyager 4.5

  • Scenes are somewhat unrealistic
  • Slow animation and rendering times
  • No vegetation

Our Verdict

U&I’s landscape-generation application, ArtMatic Voyager 1.1.2, nearly caused me to miss my deadline. No, not because the program is difficult to understand or control — a child could create breathtaking photo-realistic vistas with it. Voyager is just so much fun that hours evaporate as you happily tweak the scenery — jumping from one location in a preset world to another, raising the altitude here, and making the water a bit more transparent there.


If a program that renders spectacular 3-D landscapes sounds suspiciously like Bryce (Corel’s now-discontinued-on-the-Mac application), it should. Free license for cleanmymac x. Bryce’s creator, Eric Wenger, is also the brains behind Voyager. In many ways, Voyager is Bryce Lite. It has the same landscape-creation capabilities as Bryce but lacks its tree-creation and geometric modeling tools, advanced painting and lighting controls, and more-complicated interface.

Also, unlike Bryce, all of Voyager’s controls are in the program’s main window. Using sliders or numeric fields, you can adjust the direction and color of a world’s sun (adding a pink hue for sunsets, for example), ambient light, haze, the height of clouds, and the level of the sea and snow. The program conveniently stops rendering previews when you adjust one of the controls.

Voyager ships with four planet surfaces — each of which offers more physical space than the surface of the earth — and you can create additional surface textures with U&I’s ArtMatic Pro image-creation application (mmmm; June 2002). U&I sells an ArtMatic Pro and ArtMatic Voyager bundle for $299.

Exploring these vast planets is a snap. To move to a new location, click on a small map or on the Dice icon to be transported to a random location. Once there, you can change views by rotating the compass points or using your keyboard’s arrow keys to move forward, backward, left, or right.

Voyager makes some beautiful landscapes, but they can be a little stark, looking more synthetic than those produced by Terragen, a free but far more complicated application ( Although you can produce superb snowy peaks, brilliant blue oceans, and haunting desert scenes, the green gradients you can apply to images don’t quite evoke lush prairies or tree-studded hillsides. A vegetation-generation feature would be welcome.

Pounding the Processor

Artmatic Voyager Update For 64 Bit

In addition to creating static images, you can select different locations on your map, save each selection as a keyframe, and create a QuickTime movie that animates the journey through each keyframe — giving the impression of moving from one place to another. But note that such functions expose Voyager’s biggest weakness.

Rendering images takes all the processing power your Mac can spare. Even a relatively fast Mac can take more than 15 minutes to render a complex still image at the program’s default resolution of 2,048 by 1,152 pixels, and several hours to produce a 30-second, 15-fps, 320-by-240 QuickTime movie. For example, the image on this page took just over 18 minutes to render on a 15-inch 1.25GHz PowerBook G4 at Best quality (see “Creating a Scene”). With the Shadows option enabled, it took Voyager more than 2 hours to render the same image.

Macworld’s Buying Advice

Artmatic Voyager

ArtMatic Voyager 1.1.2 may not fabricate images realistic enough to fool you, but what it does produce is impressive. If you’re a graphic designer in need of compelling backdrops or just someone who delights in creating unique desktop pictures, Voyager is worth the trip.