Blender Docs


The index.html gets served up by The HEADER.html and FOOTER.html are just a split version of index.html that are used to wrap around the directory listing at thus they need to all be updated separately. Documentation Center. Log In; Site Tools. This plugin from Daz neatly converts the functional rigging, polygons, textures and materials into Blender to help you create with your favorite Daz models, no matter which software you prefer. Get the Daz to Blender Bridge and start cross-platform creating today! See how easy the Blender. Discuss writing and translating documentation. This includes the user manual, wiki, release notes and code docs. Pie menus in MACHIN3tools, typically provide a whole set of new custom tools themselves, they are not just a re-arrangement of native Blender tools. These tools are not mentioned above, but there are dozens of them. The Cursor and Origin pie is a great example, but it's similar for most other menus.

Blender files can have meshes such as circles, cubes, cylinders, a dragon or any other3D shape.

A mesh can be represented as a group of vertices and data about those vertices, such as theirnormals or UV coordinates.

Meshes can also have metadata, such as the name of it's parent armature (useful for vertexskinning).

blender-mesh-to-json seeks to be a well tested, well documented exporter for blender meshmetadata.

You can write data to stdout or to a file. At the onset it will be geared towards @chinedufn'sneeds - but if you have needs that aren't met feel very free to open an issue.

@see - Mesh Introduction@see - Exporting blender armatures / actions


Blender DocsBlender docker

All of the data about a Blender mesh


Configuration for combining multiple indices into a single index



Something went wrong in the Blender child process that was trying to parse your mesh data.


An individual channel within an image.Red, Green, or Blue.


An error when trying to flatten your exported data across multiple files into one HashMap ofmesh name to mesh data.


An input to a material property.

Blender Developer Docs


Blender Docs


Convert MesheshByFilename into a HashMap<MeshName, BlenderMesh> that flattens all of themeshes across all of the files into one HashMap.


Given a buffer of standard output from Blender we parse all of the mesh JSON that waswritten to stdout by

Type Definitions

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