Fallout New Vegas Steam

SteamFallout new vegas steam gauge assembly

Steam gauge assembly
Component ofRailway rifleFallout 3
QuestsNot Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans (Fallout: New Vegas)
Base ID00022112

PLEASE NOTE: Installing NVSE is now a lot easier than it was when I made this video. Please watch THIS: to insta. The steam gauge assembly is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. 1 Characteristics 2 Locations 2.1 Fallout 3 2.2 Fallout: New Vegas 3 Related quests 4 See also In Fallout 3, this item is used in the construction of the railway rifle. In Fallout: New Vegas, two of these items are required to fix the food processor in the Camp McCarran terminal building. 4 Warrington Station.

The steam gauge assembly is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

  • 2Locations


In Fallout 3, this item is used in the construction of the railway rifle.

In Fallout: New Vegas, two of these items are required to fix the food processor in the Camp McCarran terminal building.

Fallout New Vegas Steam Size


Fallout 3

  • 4 Warrington Station, Roy Phillips's quarters.
  • 4 in Hubris Comic Printing, in a room with 2 pitching machines.
  • 4 in National Guard depot lowest level.
  • 5 in Vault 92, One is in the tunnel leading into the vault, technically still in the Wasteland. second floor, in the Supply Shop, behind a an Average locked door. Another one in the Living Quarters, in the security office. The other two are in Sound Testing behind a hard locked door.
  • 3 in Tenleytown/Friendship station.
  • 3 in RobCo Facility, one in a storage room behind the reception area, one in the factory area on a raised platform by some protectron pods and the last in the work bench room.
  • 3 in Vault 87, in the mechanic's room.
  • 2 in Super-Duper Mart.
  • 2 in Republic of Dave, in Dave's safe.
  • 2 in Museum Station, Metro Central, one behind an Average locked door and the other behind some sandbags.
  • 1 in yao guai cave.
  • 1 in The Capitol Building, Hall of Columns.
  • 1 in Vault 108, Cloning Lab 2 lefts from the Living Quarters door.
  • 2 In Mama Dolce's.
  • 1 in Fort Constantine, in the Launch Control Bunker.
  • 1 in SatCom Array NN-03d.
  • 2 in Our Lady of Hope Hospital, downstairs in the Dry Sewer.

Fallout: New Vegas

  • 1 in the Camp McCarran parking lot: to the right of the entrance, behind the corrugated tin walls, to the right of the military truck, on the middle workbench.
  • After you enter the main entrance of Camp McCarran go straight ahead and you will find a two little shed like buildings with sandbags around them the one on your right as a steam gauge assembly on the top shelf of a shelfing unit.
  • 4 in Cerulean Robotics, Freeside: in the assembly room, on a conveyor belt.
  • 1 in Michael Angelo's Workshop: in the rear of the shop, on a bench. Found one on main factory floor: upon entering shop, go straight to factory floor using door near the desk. go left down the steps. Behind a large generator is a fire hose box containing a steam gauge assembly and sensor module.
  • 1 in Techatticup Mine: near one of the captured NCR Troopers, behind a medium lock, on a shelf.
  • 1 in Ultra-Luxe: to the right of the Penthouse Elevator, in the closet with the easy lock, on the bottom shelf on the back wall.
  • Vault 11, in the security office. More are found in the lower under water areas and in various rooms on the lower levels. Bring your radiation suits.
  • 3 in Train tunnel: in the storage room on a shelf. (These don't appear to be present in the PC version).
  • 1 in the Brotherhood safe house on the top shelf in the back left of the lower room.
  • 1 in Vault 11 in a suitcase through the door marked security
  • 1 in Gibson scrap yard in locked (Very Easy) metal box on back of building on shelf.

Related quests

Fallout New Vegas Steam Unlocked

  • Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans - Two steam gauge assemblies, along with many other supplies, are needed to repair a food processor in the Camp McCarran Kitchen
Fallout New Vegas Steam

See also

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