This module is a utility module to help convert curl commands to Invoke-RestMethod syntax. This module includes classes for dealing with the curl command as well as URLs, but primarily converts curl commands to Invoke-RestMethod syntax with the ConvertTo-IRM function. To install the module. In PowerShell curl is a built in alias to Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet. And aliases have priority in command resolution. And aliases have priority in command resolution. To solve your problem you have more specifically, use curl.exe instead of curl, so command not resolved to alias. Yeahh ik that curl is an alias for invoke-werequest in powershell I'm just confused as to how I could get it to download without the filename as if u try just using curl it simply doesn't work properly – Lucas Sep 8 '19 at 23:41.

If you are accustomed to using the wget or cURL utilities onLinux orMac OS X to download webpages from a command-line interface (CLI), there is a Gnuutility, Wget for Windows, that you can download and use on systems running MicrosoftWindows. Alternatively, you can use the Invoke-WebRequest
cmdlet from a PowerShell prompt, if you have version 3.0 or greater ofPowerShell on the system. You can determine the version of PowerShell ona system by opening a PowerShell window and typing $psversiontable
.E.g., in the example below from a Windows 10 system, the version of PowerShellis 5.1.15063.674.
If you have version 3.0 or later, you can use wget
or curl
as an alias for the Invoke-WebRequest
cmdlet,at least up through version 5.x. E.g., if I want to download the homepage for the website to a file named index.html, I could usethe command wget -OutFile index.html
at a PowerShell prompt. Or I could use either of the following commands,instead:

curl -OutFile index.html
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile index.html
If you don't want to download the page to thesystem, but just want to see the header information for the page. Youcan just specify the URL for the page as shown below.
Powershell Curl
Powershell Curl -x
You can see syntax information for the cmdlet by typing Invoke-WebRequest -?
at a PowerShell prompt.